Neseniai, kai Lietuva išsiuntė 20 tūkstančių „Vaxzevria“ vakcinos dozių Taivano gyventojams, jie atsidėkodami vieni kitus kvietė pirkti lietuviškas prekes ir kvietė aukoti Lietuvos organizacijoms.
Per kelias dienas Rugutė portale GlobalGiving sulaukė daugybės aukų, kad beveik pavyko pasiekti dar visai neseniai padidintą tikslą!
Dalinamės mus pasiekusiu itin jautriu Jill Chang laišku: (anglų k.):
„Dear Edita,
Hope all is well with you. My name is Jill Chang, I’m a published author in Taiwan and the US (you can find my info at Recently we learned the Lithuanians are making a very generous donation of vaccines to our country, we deeply appreciate the generosity and friendship. In order to return the favor, I invited my fellow Taiwanese to give to your project via GlobalGiving. It may not be much, and I’m sorry the donations from us still haven’t reached your fundraising goal yet, but we tried to express our sincere gratitude to the Lithuanians with these small-amount donations, and I hope it’s helpful to your cause, especially in this difficult time.
Thank you again for the great work you’re doing, please know that you’re in our thoughts all the time, and we appreciate this partnership very much!“
Dar kartą įsitikinome, kad gerumas grįžta gerumu
– Taivano prezidentės Tsai Ing-wen Twitter įrašas
– Labdaros ir paramos fondo „Rugutė“ aukojimo puslapis portale „GlobalGiving“