The second support consignment for Ukrainian children
Today, your kindness has made it possible to send a second shipment of medication for Ukrainian children
Today, your kindness has made it possible to send a second shipment of medication for Ukrainian children
On Tuesday evening, we received a second list of medications from Lviv Children’s Hospital. The list is really long...
The Ministry of Health and the State Health Insurance Fund have prepared a memory,
Yesterday, when Lithuania celebrated the Day of Restoration of Independence and supported Ukraine's aspiration to be free, A consignment arrived at Lviv
Medicines and a favorable wind for Ukrainian children affected by oncological diseases, today he left Lithuania for the Lviv Children's Hospital.
We have repeatedly spoken about compassion and friendship with Stefan, Ieva and Anita from Sweden
Our repeated saying "One in the field - not a soldier" has taken on an even deeper meaning in the whirlwind of current events.
I would like to bow low to all those who have responded to Rugutė's request to lend a helping hand to Ukrainian children suffering from oncological diseases.
We care about all children with oncological diseases. We do not classify them by citizenship or place of residence.
From early Thursday morning, we are all watching the events in Ukraine with our breathless breaths. Of course, we feel boundless anxiety