Childhood Cancer Fund Rugutė

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Support for Ukrainian children


Yesterday, when Lithuania celebrated the Day of Restoration of Independence and supported Ukraine's aspiration to be free, A consignment arrived at Lviv Children's Hospital, for children fighting the oncological disease that has befallen them. Could it be an even more meaningful day? We doubt it.

So again and again we bow low and hug everyone - Doctors of the Oncohematology Center of Vilnius Children's Hospital, initiating this support and supporting colleagues, Jacob Maliken, a pharmacist at the „Gintarinės vaistinės“, Mildą ir Gintautą, who have safely handed over the consignment to the doctors of the Lviv hospital, and YOU, THE SPONSOR, because without YOUR support, sick children would not have been able to continue uninterrupted treatment during the war. The value of the transferred consignment is 8673 euros.

We give Rugutė's friends a „Palankaus vėjo malūnėlį“. We have handed over such a mill to Ukrainian doctors - they are in the hearts of us all.

Today we say firmly - this is the first shipment, but not the last. We are in a hurry to prepare the second and please, if you have the opportunity, together we will continue to help children affected by a painful illness.

Do you have any ideas on how to help seriously ill children?

Write to us