Childhood Cancer Fund Rugutė

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart

We warmly thank everyone who dedicated 1.2 percent of the paid GPM to Rugute. Thanks to those who encouraged friends, relatives, acquaintances to do so. Thanks to you, transfer 116,742.04 Eur to the fund today.

Thank you for the trust with which Rugutė will take a stronger step into the eighteenth year of operation. The year in which your support turns into an opportunity to work with doctors to ensure the application of the most advanced treatment for children with oncological diseases, provide the most effective care, provide the necessary charity for families for their daily expenses, fulfill the dreams of sick children, provide cozy home space “.

Together we are stronger. We can do more together. And the light of Hope is always much clearer when more eyes look for it. It’s good to see a birthing smile on a child’s face. It is good to feel the hand of a trusted Friend on the difficult path of recovery. It is good to know that there are hearts whose nobility saves the world.

Fund activity reports

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