Draugystė prasidėjusi dar 2018 metais
Draugystė su Vilniaus apskrities vyriausiuoju policijos komisariatu prasidėjo dar 2018 metais. Per šiuos metus tai
If your child has been diagnosed with an oncological disease, the door of Rugutės namai is always open for you
If the first steps in dealing with a child's oncological disease are very difficult for you, there is a lack of information about the disease, communication with families who have followed the same path, please contact us.
If you have financial problems after your child is diagnosed with an oncological disease - you do not have the funds for food, travel to the hospital, nursing care, please contact us.
Childhood Cancer Fund Rugutė was founded in 2004 by Edita Abrukauskienė and Dainoras Abrukauskas after they lost their three-year-old daughter Rugilė
The confrontation with their daughter’s oncological disease, the current situation of the health care system, and the lack of information in Lithuanian about oncological diseases encouraged the founders to share their experience related to complex treatment and help families affected by the child’s oncological disease.
Draugystė su Vilniaus apskrities vyriausiuoju policijos komisariatu prasidėjo dar 2018 metais. Per šiuos metus tai
Vaikų ligoninės Vaikų onkohematologijos centro patalpos palatos tapo jaukesnės ir šiltesnės – čia apsigyveno ypatingi
Artėjančios šv. Kalėdos ir metų virsmas dar kartą patvirtina žinojimą, kad užgriuvus rūpesčiams visada galėsime
Šią savaitę šildomės ilgamečių rėmėjų skleidžiamoje atjautos, rūpesčio dėl sergančių vaikų, šilumoje. Buvo labai gera
Šią savaitę drąsiai galime vadinti ilgamečių rėmėjų šilumos savaite! Pirmadienį pradėjome labai šiltu susitikimu su
Prisimenu, kai gegužės viduryje, gydytojos paprašyti, paėmėme Emiliją, žengiančią pirmuosius žingsnius gydymo kelyje, už rankos
At Kaziukas fair we sell our own windmills
Support concert
A support festival for children with oncological diseases is organized in Saldutiškis town
In carrying out its various activities, the Foundation closely cooperates with non-governmental organizations of Japan, Poland, Sweden, France, Turkey, China, Belgium and the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Lithuania in these countries. Also Lithuanian communities in the USA, Luxembourg, Norway and individuals interested in ensuring that every young patient receives targeted and as effective treatment as possible.
In carrying out its various activities, the Foundation closely cooperates with non-governmental organizations of Japan, Poland, Sweden, France, Turkey, China, Belgium and the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Lithuania in these countries. Also Lithuanian communities in the USA, Luxembourg, Norway and individuals interested in ensuring that every young patient receives targeted and as effective treatment as possible.
In carrying out its various activities, the Foundation closely cooperates with non-governmental organizations of Japan, Poland, Sweden, France, Turkey, China, Belgium and the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Lithuania in these countries. Also Lithuanian communities in the USA, Luxembourg, Norway and individuals interested in ensuring that every young patient receives targeted and as effective treatment as possible.
Rugutė provides free accommodation for children with oncological diseases and their family members.
This house has two separate bedrooms, a kitchen, a children’s play area and a lounge area.
If the first steps in dealing with a child's oncological disease are very difficult for you, there is a lack of information about the disease, communication with families who have followed the same path, please contact us.
If the first steps in dealing with a child's oncological disease are very difficult for you, there is a lack of information about the disease, communication with families who have followed the same path, please contact us.
If you have financial problems after your child is diagnosed with an oncological disease - you do not have the funds for food, travel to the hospital, nursing care, please contact us.
If you have financial problems after your child is diagnosed with an oncological disease - you do not have the funds for food, travel to the hospital, nursing care, please contact us.