Childhood Cancer Fund Rugutė

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Go ahead, Captain!


Yesterday, when I brought the boxes for the shipment of medicines to Ukraine to Rugutė House , I met a boy of infinite will and strength Jaunių. The indescribable feeling is to embrace the Grand Captain, who is preparing for another voyage in the stormy ocean of transplantation, draw from his strength.

Today, Jaunius is already in the hospital ward, preparing for stem cell transplantation. Soon his brother Jurgis will come to his aid, carrying a gift that he alone can give - stem cells. We have repeatedly become convinced that the love and support of our brothers is a more powerful force than any storm we encounter.

By the way, the Grand Captain, like the Captains, has a fantastic sense of humor! He is an invincible miracle.

So let us clench our fists, let us put our hands together in prayer, and let the wind blow the third. Go ahead, Captain!


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