Childhood Cancer Fund Rugutė

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Medicines have already reached Poltava!


We are in a hurry to share the news that the medicines have already reached Poltava! This shipment was far more disturbing and far more risky than the first shipment to Lviv Children’s Hospital. TOGETHER we have proven time and time again how powerful UNITY is and how strong compassion is.

So thank you again - SPONSORS! Without YOUR support, we would not have been able to supply Ukrainian children with "weapons" - medicines, that their battle with oncology would end in victory. Thanks wholeheartedly to Rugutė's friends in Sweden for support (Stefan Espersson) , Japan (Yuko Yamasaki), Chicago (moterų klubui „Alateja“).

We warmly thank the doctors of the Oncohematology Center of Vilnius Children's Hospital for initiating this support.

Thanks to Milda and Gintautas, who took the shipment to the intermediate stop - Lviv.

THANK YOU Sincerely to the Ukrainian Tatyana . These days she is a bridge between us and the children of Ukraine.

It is good to know that there are hearts that ignore the borders and kilometers of states, are not afraid of tanks and shots, whose nobility saves the world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The value of the transferred batch is 4529 euros.

Do you have any ideas on how to help seriously ill children?

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