Childhood Cancer Fund Rugutė


Renovation of wards

By the year 2019 we have already contributed 30 thousand euros to the renovation of wards in Children’s Hospital, Affiliate of Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos Onco-Hematology Centre. During the course of treatment, the hospitals become the second home for the children. That is why we strive to make it as cozy as possible so that the patient and the caring person could comfortably perform certain procedures, rest and enjoy home-cooked food. Currently eight wards still need renovation, each containing two young patients.

Palatų renovacija
Labdaros ir paramos fondas „Rugutė“

Renovuojamos palatos

Šiandienos kryptis – Vaikų ligoninės onkohematologijos centras. Smagu buvo ne tik nuvežti naujus žaislus, kurie

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