Childhood Cancer Fund Rugutė

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The circle of friends of the foundation is expanding


We have always said openly that we would be powerless alone, and we can only overthrow the mountains by shrugging our shoulders with a group of friends. Therefore, we are especially glad that the company „Alliance for Recruitment“ has joined the circle of friends of the foundation, where teamwork is paramount.

Yesterday, the company organized a "Cake Day", during which they proved that by working as a united team, they can make the world more beautiful! During the event, a grant of 773 euros was raised, for which we will be able to provide even more medicines necessary for the treatment of children.

We truly thank the entire staff of "Alliance for Recruitment" for their new friendship, community and responsibility. We are sure that together we will overcome even more challenges!

P. S.Thank you to Indre Tamole for representing Rugute, friendship and a favorable wind for the children!

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